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Automating the sending of invoices on Chorus Pro: the first steps towards widespread electronic invoicing

Automating the sending of invoices on Chorus Pro: the first steps towards widespread electronic invoicing

Since 2020, any company dealing with a public entity must submit its invoices on the Chorus Pro platform. This obligation concerns all suppliers to the French public administration, whether they are private companies or public entities themselves. Used as a means of dematerializing invoices, Chorus Pro enables more efficient and transparent management of financial transactions between public entities and their suppliers, echoing the widespread use of B2B electronic invoicing. We take a closer look at a practice that has greatly simplified the lives of businesses.

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Acknowledged invoice: definition, legal value and status

Acknowledged invoice: definition, legal value and status

An optional means of proof of payment, the acquittée invoice may be requested in the context of commercial relations or for the payment of grants or subsidies. It is an accounting document that serves as proof of receipt of payment by a supplier or service provider. Definition, legal value, status: a look back at an accounting concept that is indispensable for keeping a company's books.

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Understanding the differences between PPF, PDP, OD... and choosing the right platform

Understanding the differences between PPF, PDP, OD... and choosing the right platform

New players are emerging to help companies respond to government injunctions: PPF (Portail Public de Facturation), PDP (Plateformes de Dématérialisation Partenaire) and OD (Opérateurs de Dématérialisation). But what are the roles of these different portals? How do they differ? And above all: which platform should you choose to make the leap to electronic invoicing? Answers in this article!

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