Case Studies


Nicolas Prevot & Caroline Moreau

IT Project Manager & B2B and B2C Customer Billing Manager, Proxiserve


Automate the sending of invoices to our customers on Freedz

With the arrival of the reform and the government's obligation to use electronic invoicing, Proxiserve aims to achieve 80% to 90% dematerialization with electronic invoices, EDI and desktop publishing.

Discover how Proxiserve uses Freedz to deposit its invoices addressed to its customers within the framework of the dematerialization of their accounting.


Find an alternative to Chorus Pro for the management of supplier accounting

As part of an organizational change and to cope with an increase in activity, Seminor wanted to dematerialize the management of its accounts payable.

Find out how the implementation of Freedz has boosted team productivity, while preparing for the coming into force of the French Finance Act and the requirement for electronic invoicing.

Logo A roof for all

Vincent Gremillet

Director of Finance & Information Systems, Seminor


Cyrille Vincent

Director of Information Systems, Erilia

Erilia :

Reduce processing time and prepare for reform

As a company with a mission, Erilia is involved in the development of the local economy and seeks to improve its relations with its suppliers.

In addition to the company's determination to be compliant by 2026, find out how it has achieved its objective of reducing processing and therefore payment times with its partners.

3F Normanvie (Sodineuf Habitat Normand) :

Dematerialise accounting management and improve supplier relations

The evolution and digitisation of tools are changing our working methods and enabling us to adapt better on a daily basis. This is one of the reasons why Sodineuf Habitat Normand wanted to dematerialise the management of its supplier accounts and thus gain in efficiency.

Discover the project of dematerialization of supplier invoices implemented with Sodineuf which allowed the accounting teams to gain in productivity and to improve its supplier relations.

Logo A roof for all

Isabelle Devaux

Accounting manager, Sodineuf Habitat Normand


Lionel Bérard

Third Party Accounting Manager, Halpades


Improve the efficiency of accounts payable while maintaining control

In order to improve its supplier relations and enhance the value of its employees' missions within the accounting department, Halpades has chosen to completely dematerialise its supplier invoices thanks to Freedz.

Find out how containment has accelerated the implementation of this project at Halpades and allowed it not only to continue its activities, but above all to optimize its processes to gain in productivity!

A Roof for All:

Automate time-consuming tasks to increase productivity

Un Toit pour Tous is in a process of continuous improvement of its processes. It is within this framework that the Management has undertaken numerous projects enabling it to gain in efficiency, particularly in the management of accounts payable with the Freedz platform.

Find out how the landlord Un Toit pour Tous has automated manual and time-consuming tasks to reinvest the time saved in more qualitative tasks.

Logo A roof for all

Fabrice Pellerin

Accounting and Financial Manager, Un Toit pour Tous

Philippe Bovagnet

Deputy Head of Research, ISD, Saur Group

The Saur Group:

Save money with a multi-vendor platform

For the Saur Group, the subject of controlling energy costs is paramount.

Find out how Saur made significant savings by looking for a supplier invoice dematerialisation platform that would enable it to anticipate future changes in this highly competitive market.